IFR UltraSoft® Hi-Vis Class 2 Deluxe Womens Work Shirt w/ Segmented Stripes
Product Details
- 7 oz – 88% cotton, 12% high tenacity nylon from Westex®
- Engineered for flame resistance and guaranteed for the life of the garment
- 50% extended garment wear life over 100% cotton
- Soft feel of cotton comfort
- Multi-purpose protection from electric arc, flash fire and molten ferrous metal
- NFPA 2112, CGSB 155.20, NFPA 70E, CSA Z462, ASTM F1506
- Sizing Chart
IFR UltraSoft® Hi-Vis Class 2 Deluxe Womens Work Shirt w/ Segmented Stripes
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